Saturday, March 4, 2017

So Just What Is Computerhobbyist NY Fashion Channel?

Computerhobbyist NY Fashion Channel is a fashion ad architect and online advertising revolution.

The Google Blog changes the fundamental dynamics of fashion industry advertisement creation.

Computerhobbyist NY Reviews Fashion Channel launches innovative, fresh and new ad campaigns for your global fashion retail company.

Computerhobbyist NY Reviews ads are unique and trailblazing to the world.

Computerhobbyist NY Reviews ads change the fundamental dynamics of online advertising for the foreseeable future.

Product ads must entertain, inform and speak to heartfelt consumer emotion to be effective in the goal of increasing b-to-c conversion rates online.

Traditional marketing firms do provide some form of entertainment in retail product descriptions/reviews/ads but they can’t tell consumers why from a fashion standpoint the product belongs in their home or on their person.

Moreover, it is helpful in a product advertisement to inform the consumer of what types of accessories are compatible with the clothing product to get maximum performance out of a product.

It is exceedingly rare to see this information on a retailer website. Even when this information is available from the retailer, the optional accessory information is often inaccurate.

Click on PayPal link below to donate to Computerhobbyist NY Fashion Channel today. Thank you.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Computerhobbyist NY Reviews: Document 39

Version 2

An invalid premise that one gender is superior to the other.

An end to cultural stereotypes, values and conventional wisdoms that seek to degrade, castigate, condemn, subjugate, objectify and humiliate for no ethically valid reason at all.

To arrive at a fundamentally dispositive truth that is in fact self-evident. It is equivalent to the fact that there is a sun and a moon.

To become intoxicated, infatuated and deeply involved with innovative customs, ideas, policies and actions that are based on sound principles of gender equality.

These are the ideas that prevent damage to the dignity of humanity.

Purification of toxic belief systems of gender bias.

Demolition of glass ceilings.

Termination of second-class pay.

Freedom from domestic oppression.

Freedom from domestic oppressors.

Egalitarian virtue within the plight of kindness, respect and dignity.

Equal rights amendment.

Equal rights statutes.

Equality in the home.

Equality in the workplace.

Equality in the school.

Equality in business.

Equality in law.

Equality in the military.

Equality in entertainment.

Equality in sports.

Equality in political arenas.

Equality in marriage.

Equality in movies.

Equality in music.

Equality in medicine.

Equality in the world.

Removal from the scourge of harassment.

Not much without mom.

Not much without women.

A human rights campaign progresses forward to the tunes of trendy and yesteryear gender anthems.





A world of feminine design, ideas and touch. That’s the guide to a better way to live.